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热熔标线涂料专用ygs抗龟裂增塑剂和聚合物改性流平剂 技术指标 全球品质、热熔标线涂料: 重庆路镁涂料有限公司、国内研究机构国内新研发,使用YGS抗龟裂增塑剂标线施划后(气温在零下40度不龟裂)热熔标线更抗龟裂(地面温度75℃以上不黑线软化点不下降)。使用YGS柔韧增塑剂能减少C5树脂及钛白粉用量、每吨热熔标线涂料用C5树脂125kg-130kg抗压强度14.5兆帕过国检、流动度195℃(s)38。热熔标线涂料聚合物改性流平剂、当热熔标线涂料配方中C5石油树脂量达不到涂料的流动度(s)38时需要添加助流物质、YGS聚合物改性流平剂。重庆路镁涂料有限公司争对热熔标线涂料的特性而特殊设计的一种优良的化学助流配方软化点高、每吨热熔标线涂料只需添加3kg即能达到满意的效果。YGS抗龟裂增塑剂:本产品能粘附色粉,令着色均匀:公司所有产品均参照FDA、REACH、ROHS、PHTHALATES环保新标准生产。本产品以出口到东南亚及东盟。 重庆路镁涂料有限公司 :http://cqlumei.b2b.hc360.com/ Hot melt marking paint for flexible, plasticizer and polymer modified leveling agent Technical indicators Global quality, hot melt marking paint leaders: Chongqing Lu magnesium coating Co. Ltd., the first domestic research institutions in the latest development, the use of YGS flexible plasticizer marking (after the temperature at minus 40 degrees without cracking) hot melt marking more anti cracking (ground temperature above 75 ℃ not black linesoftening point does not decline). The use of YGS flexible plasticizer can reduce C5 resin and titanium dioxide consumption per ton of hot melt marking paint, compressive strength of C5 resin 125kg-130kg 14.5 MPa afterinspection, the fluidity of 195 ℃ (s) 38. Hot melt marking paint polymer modified leveling agent, when C5 petroleum resin hot melt marking paint formulations amount can not to paint the fluidity (s) of 38 requires adding of material flow,YGS polymer modified leveling agent. A good chemical help Chongqing Lu magnesium coating Limited company for the characteristics of hot melt marking paint and special design flow formula of high softening point, per ton of hot melt marking paint simply add 3kg can achieve satisfactory results. YGS flexible plasticizer: This product can adhereto the toner, color uniformity: all the products of the company are referring to FDA, REACH, ROHS, PHTHALATESenvironmental protection standard production. The products are exported to Southeast Asia and asean.. Chongqing Lu magnesium coating Co. Ltd. Technical support website: http://cqlumei.b2b.hc360.com/